My choice, my future!

05 March 2024
Мой выбор, мое будущее!
Take part in the survey on the activities of the Federal Register! You can complete it in any convenient way:

- follow the link: / or QR code (in the carousel)
- on the main page of the official Rosreestr website, in the section "Public voting on the portal of Public Services "My choice, my future", there is a survey: "Assessment of satisfaction of external customers with access to information about the activities of the department."


St. Petersburg,
Arsenalnaya embankment, 13/1.

Checkout mode

Mon-Sun from 11.00 to 19.00
Lunch from 15.00 to 16.00


+7(952) 356-56-37,
+7(812) 542-09-44